Our team of skilled artisans takes pride in offering a range of services that cater to your jewelry needs. We understand the importance of having jewelry that perfectly fits or matches your style. That’s why we offer to transform your jewelry by altering its size, shape, and color to meet your specifications. Whether you want to resize a ring that no longer fits, change the color of a stone to match your outfit, or alter the shape of a pendant to give it new life, we have the expertise to help you achieve it. At no cost to you, we provide a free quote for modifying your jewelry. So why wait? Reach out to us today, and let our professionals assist you with any jewelry-related needs you may have.
Sizing, Polishing, Jewelry Restoration, Setting missing Diamonds, Fixing broken chains, Fixing broken bracelets, Fixing broken Necklaces, Missing earrings, Others
Your jewelry is too small or big? Want to change the shape, size, or color? We can do that for you! Contact us for a free quote.
Are you tired of your old jewelry? Do you have broken or missing pieces? Don’t worry, I’ll take it all and offer you 100% value towards your brand new jewelry. I’ll create beautiful new jewelry just for you.
Fill out your details below with the repair service that you need
Mr. Jewler
23 West 47 street #38 NY, NY 10036
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